9.3 Off-campus Use

The following are lists of instructions for using cataloging tools off BYU campus.

A. Request VPN access via OIT

  1. Go to https://it.byu.edu
  2. Search for “Virtual Private Networking” in the search bar under “How can we help?”
  3. Click the heading “Virtual Private Networking (VPN)”
  4. In the top right of the screen click “Order VPN Account”
    • You have to be logged in via CAS so you will be asked to login via CAS (and do the duo-auth rigmarole) if you aren’t already logged in
  5. Fill out the form and click the “Order Now” button
    • Search for your name
    • Enter your netid
    • Keep the “Account Type” as “General Campus Access”
  6. Your request will be processed in 1-2 days. You will receive an email when your VPN account is setup.

B. Download and configure the VPN client

  1. After completing the steps in A go to https://vpn.byu.edu
  2. Login with BYU credentials via Duo-auth mumbo-jumbo
  3. Click the link to download the VPN client for your computer
    • For Windows 32-bit systems: Download Windows 32 bit GlobalProtect agent
    • For Windows 64-bit systems: Download Windows 64 bit GlobalProtect agent
    • For Mac: Download Mac 32/64 bit GlobalProtect agent
  4. Install the VPN software on your machine
  5. When running the software enter the following URL for the portal address: https://vpn.byu.edu
  6. It will prompt you to login via Duo-auth (roll your eyes again)
  7. To confirm the VPN is working go to http://ip.lib.byu.edu in a web browser
  8. Check that the IP address displayed on the page starts 10.X.XX.XXX
    • If you see 1XX.XXX.XXX.XXX the VPN is not working as it should; try following the instructions again
    • If you absolutely can’t get this VPN software to work try using the older VPN client software with instructions
    • If this doesn’t work you will need to contact BYU OIT: 801-422-4000

C. Download Workflows (Windows or Mac)

  1. In Box go to: Box/libshare/ILS/Symphony/Symphony 3.7
  2. Download or copy the file fupd_jwf_27.exe to a location on your computer (i.e. Downloads folder)
    • For the Mac version install from: Box/libshare/ILS/Symphony/Symphony 3.7/WorkFlowsInstall.dmg
    • Mac installation instructions: Box/libshare/ILS/Symphony/Symphony 3.7/MAC install instructions Java WorkFlows client on a Mac.docx
  3. Go to the folder on your computer with the downloaded file
  4. Double-click the file to open
  5. Follow the instructions to install workflows on your computer

D. Download OCLC Connexion (Windows only)

  1. Go to https://www.oclc.org/en/connexion.html
  2. At the bottom of the screen click the “Download Connexion client software” button
  3. Click the box to accept the terms and agreement
  4. Click the link to Connexion client 3.1
  5. Navigate on your computer to the download OCLC Client exe file
  6. Double-click the file to begin the install process
  7. Follow the instructions in the installer to install the software

E. Setup profile account on RDA Toolkit

  1. Go to http://access.rdatoolkit.org
    • You need to be on BYU campus when seting up your profile
  2. In the top right of the page click the “Create Profile” icon (the bust of a person with a light-blue plus sign)
  3. Fill out the form to create a new profile

Instructions to use cataloger tools off BYU Campus

F. To use Workflows (Requires VPN access)

  1. Open your VPN client you installed on your computer
  2. Connect to the BYU network via the VPN
  3. Once you are connected open Workflows as you normally would while at the office

G. To use OCLC Connexion client

  1. Open OCLC Connexion Client from your Windows machine
  2. When prompted, enter the authorization number and password as you normally do at work

H. To use Cataloger’s Desktop

  1. Go to https://desktop.loc.gov
  2. Login with your user name and password

I. To use RDA Toolkit: Method 1

  1. Go to http://access.rdatoolkit.org
  2. In the top right corner of the screen enter your profile name and password
  3. Click the login icon (the bust of a person with a green arrow)

J. To use RDA Toolkit: Method 2

  1. Go to https://lib.byu.edu/remoteauth/?url=http://access.rdatoolkit.org/
  2. Login via CAS
  3. Confirm that our institution name Brigham Young University is listed in the top right corner of the screen

K. Web browser-based OCLC Connexion client

  1. Go to http://connexion.oclc.org
  2. Login with your BYU Authoritzation number and password
  3. Use the web interface to catalog or do authority work following the instructions for this product

L. Classification Web

  1. Go to https://classweb.org
  2. Click ClassWeb Main Menu button
  3. Navigate to the controlled vocabulary you want to use
  4. Enter the shared username and password when prompted
    • Ask Bob Maxwell for the account information

Location / Hours

The Catalog Department is located on Level 6 of the Harold B. Lee Library. The Department is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.