6.6 Statement of Expectations Regarding Knowledge and Skills Required of Copy Cataloging Personnel

All cataloging personnel classified as staff who create records in the online catalog from copy should develop competency in the following areas:

  • Fundamentals of the structure of the MARC21 bibliographic format for books; ability to differentiate book records from other formats; understanding of the encoding level codes and other indicators of record quality.
  • Knowledge of the basic elements of the bibliographic record and their corresponding designators in the MARC21 format.
  • Ability to distinguish between monographic and serial publications; understanding of the most common ways to treat monographic series.
  • Familiarity with basic principles of authority control; ability to read and understand authority records for names, subjects, and series.
  • Procedures and protocols for creating and maintaining catalog records in the local library system, as described in the system documentation.
  • Procedures for searching source copy in national utilities and other resource files, matching copy with bibliographic items and transferring copy to the local system and from the local system to appropriate output files.
  • Department policies as outlined in the department manual.

In addition to the above general competencies, these individuals may be expected to develop skills relevant to their specific assignments.

The Department will provide initial training to individuals newly hired in copy cataloging positions to help them develop the knowledge and skills they need to perform their job assignments. Periodic follow-up sessions will be held to cover updates and developments in essential tools and procedures. Staff members are expected to take advantage of these sessions to keep their knowledge current. Staff should also know the authoritative sources of information in the above areas and consult them as needed.


Maintained by: John Wright

Last Updated: October 2020

Location / Hours

The Catalog Department is located on Level 6 of the Harold B. Lee Library. The Department is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.